N. 4 Transformation cabins for photovoltaic systems 3.15MW

Pontinia and Montalto (Italy)


Design, construction and commissioning of plug-in compact substations STC-Kiosk for 3.15MW photovoltaic systems in Pontinia and Montalto (Latina).

The project has involved n. 4 compact transformation cabins, remotely monitored, including air-insulated (AIS) medium-voltage (MV) switchgears ATR 24kV 630A 16kA, power center, resin transformers, interconnection cables, auxiliary equipment.
This solution is particularly suitable for photovoltaic systems, as modular cabins (pre-assembled on factory) optimize space and can be entirely managed in the construction phase.
Hence, they are easy to transport and allow quick positioning and plug-in installation on-site.

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