N. 12 Skid transformation cabins for photovoltaic system

Trévago (Spain)






N. 12 transformation cabins STC-Skid 6MVA 30/0,8-0,8kV for a photovoltaic system in Spain.

The cabins will be equipped with oil-type power transformers, MV switchgear 36kV 630A 20kA, LV switchboards, auxiliary transformers, UPS, and LV cables.
The studied solution is for distributed string inverters, in compliance with the EGP standard. Same design for centralized inverter available.
The skid is a plug-in smart solution to elevate energy from PV plants to elevating substations.
We have carried out the temperature rise test on the oil-type transformers, placed inside the transformation cabins, In this test, we checked the influence of our cabin on the installed transformer simulating the operation on site.

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