Renewing of HV/MV Substation 220/38/34.5/6kV
Havana (Cuba)
The project consists of the modernization of the Antillana de Acero electrical substation and it has been carried out in the Cotorro district of Havana, which has an essential function for the area as it supplies electricity to the nearby steel plant.
The substation is divided into:
- Bay 220kV, which includes circuit-breakers, disconnectors, power transformers and current transformers, surge arresters, electrical equipment for interconnection, earth mesh and auxiliary accessories.
- Bay 38kV 50ka, which includes the hybrid module 66kV-31kA, circuit breakers, disconnectors, power transformers and current transformers, surge arresters and auxiliary accessories.
- Bay 34,5kV 31kA, which includes the hybrid module 66kV-31kA, circuit breakers SF6 insulated, disconnectors, surge arresters and auxiliary accessories.
- Substation 6,3kV 40ka, consisting of medium-voltage Metal Clad switchgears 12kv 4000A 40ka, HD4 circuit breakers, bus duct Blinodpower 12kv 4000A 40ka, direct current system for electrical substation 6,3kV, lighting and air conditioning system, auxiliary services. Ul> The control structure of the substation guarantees high performance and management of the plant, thanks to the SCADA system, transformers, Euro-P&C low-voltage (LV) switchgears, 38kV and 34.5kv bars.
Related projects to SCADA Solution
HV/MV Mobile Substation 69-34.5/13.8-11.95kV 30MVA
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
This important project includes the study, design, construction and supply of a mobile substation 69-34,5/13,8-11,95kV 30MVA for Enel Group, addressed to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
SCADA System for the Control and Management of the Plant
Zarzouna (Tunisia)
The project, destined for the city of Zarzouna, in the Tunisian province of Biserta, has seen the supply and implementation of technological remote control and management devices. The system consists of various measuring and management devices that interface with the SCADA system for a generator plant.