HV/MV Substation 110/34.5kV 2x25MVA

Varadero (Cuba)






The project has included the study, installation and supply of the electrical substation "Punta Hicacos".

Implementation of a high-voltage gas-insulated electrical substation, with H configuration, consisting of 2 incoming bays, 2 outgoing bays, equipped with connex terminals, for the connection of the gas-insulated high-voltage components to the power transformer. Moreover, n. 6 surge arresters 110kV, earthing wire, and an accessory kit are provided.
The project also includes the supply of n. 4 power transformers 25MVA, destined to Casco Historico electrical substation and Palmeras electrical substation and a Patchpanel for optical fibers that connects all 3 substations (Punta Hicacos, Casco Historico e Palmeras). The 13.8kV bays include n. 16 medium-voltage Normal Clad cubicles. The substation protection and automation system are guaranteed by device protection panels 110kV, SCADA control and data acquisition system, automatic voltage regulation system.
The duplicated direct current system is composed of a 220VAC 125VDC rectifier, a cabinet equipped with a battery with a total voltage of 125VDC 150AH, hermetic and distribution panel for direct current. The project also includes the low-voltage (LV) panel system, low-voltage mimic panels for manual control and alarm, metal support structures, protection system against electric discharges, LED lighting plant, firefighting system, n. 7 IP cameras and PC for video surveillance, air conditioning, spare parts.

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