N.2 HV/MV Substations 110/7.3kV 8MVA
Çemericë, Korçë (Albania)
The project has seen the implementation of 2 high-voltage to medium-voltage electrical substations in Çemericë and Korçë.
Each plant includes transformers 110/7,5kV 8MVA, gas-insulated circuit breakers,123kV disconnector, provided with an outdoor earthing knife switch, multipole current transformer, inductive voltage transformer, protection and control panel (Euro P&C), surge arrester 123kV.
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Camagüey (Cuba)
Camagüey is a popular holiday destination in Cuba, where the recent increase in the power demand has made it necessary to invest in the implementation of new electrical substations.
HV Substation 132kV
Adria, Loc. Smergoncino (Italy)
The project, result of an important partnership, is addressed to a historical industrial company located in Smergoncino, in Rovigo area. The long-lasting know-how gained in the high-voltage field has made it possible to increase the plant power supply.