
We found 26 projects of Switchgear MV AIS - Normal Clad

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N. 2 MV E-House 24kV and 36kV for photovoltaic plant

Assemini, Loc. Macchiareddu (Italy)

The project was carried out in an electrical substation for the delivery of high voltage (HV) power, situated inside a photovoltaic plant, in one of the most important industrial centres of the southern Sardinia.

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Medium-Voltage (MV) Switchgears 24kV 2000A 16kA for Photovoltaic plants

Montalto di Castro (Italy)

The project was carried out in Montalto di Castro, in Viterbo, a well-known location as one of the largest solar photovoltaic plant in Italy.

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IP65 Metal Clad Switchgears 17,5kV 400A 31,5kA (3s) 60Hz for Mining applications

Yauyos (Perù)

Outdoor installations of medium-voltage switchgears designed to guarantee electricity to a company operating in the mining industry.

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Medium-Voltage (MV) Metal Clad switchgears 12kV 2500A 25kA

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Andrés Ibáñez (Bolivia)

The ambitious project has been destined to a cement factory in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, in Andrés Ibáñez, the largest city in Bolivia.

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Metal Clad Switchgears IP65 12,6kV 630A 25kA (3s) for Mining application

Yauyos (Perù)

Outdoor installation of medium-voltage metal clad switchgears Normal Clad 12,6kV 630A 25kA (3s), IP65 degree of protection, galvanized with Sendzimir process, to grant switchgear protection against dust and pollution in mining applications.

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N. 7 MV E-Houses 24kV for generator plants

Guacara e Tucacos (Venezuela)

The project was carried out in Guacara and Tucacas, tourist cities located in Venezuela. It has seen the implementation of several compact substations, destined to Hyundai generator plants.

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Medium-Voltage (MV) Metal Clad Switchgears 36kV 2500A 40kA

Baghdad (Iraq)

Design, supply and implementation of metal clad switchgears for energy production in the capital city of Iraq.

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Medium-Voltage (MV) Normal Clad Switchgears IP65 40,5kV 630A 16kA (3s)

Chihuahua (Mexico)

Design, supply and implementation of metal-clad electrical panels in a mining company in Chihuahua.

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MV E-House 36kV for electrical grid

Tripoli (Libya)

The project has included the design and construction of n. 3 compact STC-Box substations, aiming to increase electrification in Libya.

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Medium-Voltage (MV) Normal Clad Switchgears 7,2kV 630A 20kA (3s)

Donetsk (Ukraine)

The project has involved the implementation of Normal Clad switchgears, addressed to an important industrial, steel and chemical hub in the city of Donetsk.

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Medium-Voltage (MV) Normal Clad Switchgears 36kV and 12kV 2500-4000A 40kA (3s)

Basra (Iraq)

Design, construction and start-up of medium-voltage switchgears for the primary distribution aimed to increase the electrification of the Iraqi national grid, in order to guarantee high-reliability and continuity of service.

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N. 2 HV/MV Mobile Substations 110/33kV 16MVA

Basra (Iraq)

These are the first n. 2 mobile substations designed and realized by C.R. Technology Systems S.p.A. and are used to provide electricity to remote areas of Basra.

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Normal Clad switchgears 24kV IP65 for Mine

Yauyos (Perù)

The project has the aim to increase the electrical grid of a mine located in the province of Yauyos (Peru) and it has involved the design, construction and supply of n. 7 medium-voltage (MV) Normal Clad switchgear cubicles 24kV 630A 31.5kA and 17.5kV 1250A 31.5kA, with IP65 protection degree, an auxiliary transformer 12600/230V 10kA, materials and accessories necessary for the start-up of the plant.

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MV E-House 34.5kV for oil plant

Sirte Bay (Libya)

Extension of the electrical substation serving the oil plant in Nafoora, at Sirte Bay. The project involves the design, construction, and supply of 34.5kV, 4.16kV and 480V compact and modular plug-in substations.

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MV E-House 24kV for photovoltaic plant

Trecate (Italy)

Tailor-made project for the implementation of electrical equipment interconnected to the new photovoltaic system in Trecate (Novara), committed to us by a large company in the oil & gas field, which will provide green energy to a refinery plant.

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Yauyos (Peru)

We have designed, carried out and supplied a medium-voltage (MV) Normal Clad switchgear 24kV 630A 31.5kA in box IP65, with a withdrawable circuit-breaker, addressed to a mining plant in Peru.

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MV Normal Clad switchgears for steelwork plant

Hatay (Turkey)

N. 2 air-insulated (AIS) medium-voltage (MV) Normal Clad electrical switchgears (14 cubicles) 12kV 1250A 31.5kA (25kA arc-resistant) equipped with a gas outlet duct, relays, VA VT, and circuit-breakers. The project, commissioned by our Swiss client, is addressed to a steelwork plant in Turkey.

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MV Mobile Substation 23kV

Asunción (Paraguay)

Study, design, construction of a mobile substation 23kV composed of two trailers, 17 m each. It will be used for the extension of the electrical substation, and emergency and maintenance needs, in Paraguay.

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MV eHouse 33kV 25MVA and 49,5MVA for battery energy storage system

Luton (United Kingdom)

The project consists in the design, manufacturing, and commissioning of an eHouse in the Chapel farm plant 49,5MW/99MWh near Luton (UK), connected to the Tesla Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).

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Arezzo (Italy)

We have designed and manufactured a 1600kVA STC-Kiosk transformer cabin

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eHouse 12kV for hydrogen system

West Yorkshire (United Kingdom)

We have designed, constructed and supplied a compact eHouse solution, fully equipped with cutting-edge medium-voltage (MV) electrical switchgear and tailored to meet the specific requirements of the client.

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Switchgear 40.5kV for steelwork plant

San Luis Potosì (Mexico)

Design, construction and supply of metal-clad switchgear 40.5kV addressed to a steelwork site in the upland territory of San Luis Potosì, Mexico.

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eHouses for thermoelectric power plant

Chieti (Italy)

Design, construction and supply of n. 2 plug-in cabins for the Thermoelectric Power Plant in Chieti, Italy.

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eHouse 33kV for Oil & Gas plant

North Africa

We have designed, constructed and supplied n. 7 plug-in eHouses 33kV IP54 equipped with MV switchgear 33kV 1250A and 1600A 25kA, LV switchboard, UPS, fire system, HVAC system, auxiliary equipment.

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Normal Clad switchgear for electrical power grid

Latin America

Design, manufacturing and supply of n. 24 MV AIS Normal Clad cubicles 13.8kV 2500A 25kA equipped with our wireless and battey-less PR.E.SE. (PRedictive Electrical SEnsors), Power transformers 110kV/34,5kV 28/40MVA with ONAN/ONAF, Power Transformer Protection panel, and customized SCADA system.

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eHouse substation for food packaging factory

Carribean Islands

Plug-in compact substation, a fully integrated and versatile solution designed for maximum efficiency and reliability, destined to a food packaging factory, designed for Latin America.