MV E-House 36kV for desert areas
Bordj Omar Drisse, El Goléa, Talmine, Tindouf, Djanet, Timiaouine (Algeria)
This project was carried out in Algeria and localised in six sites. It consists of modular shelters, which are sized and structured in order to withstand the severe desert conditions.
Six customized modular STC-Box shelters for a diesel generating plant, containing medium-voltage (MV) metal-enclosed ATR switchgears 36kV 2500A 25kA, a battery system, air-conditioning, SCADA system, auxiliary equipment.
Related projects to eHouse
E-Houses for BESS 100MW and 50MW-200MWh
Lakeside (UK) and Belgium
eHouse addressed to Tesla BESS plants 100 MW in Lakeside and 50MW-200MWh for Eneco, in Belgium.
MV E-House 20kV for photovoltaic plant
Cipollaretta (Italy)
Design and construction of an E-House, for the Alzo electrical substation, carried out by our Sister Company C.R. Project Service. It is connected to the largest photovoltaic system in the Viterbo area and occupies 101 hectares in the Cipollaretta area.