PR.E.SE. sensors
PR.E.SE. (PRedictive Electrical SEnsors) allow constant wireless monitoring of the temperature in electrical equipment, based on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology in UHF band. They allow preventing and anticipating the trend of overheating of electrical equipment (critical temperature >120°C) due to overload, corrosion, loose connections and difficult environmental conditions and permit predictive maintenance of the electrical insulation, whose aging is particularly influenced by the increase in temperature. The sensors allow improving the performance of the system and extend its life cycle. C.R. Technology Systems has developed this solution in collaboration with Radio6ense, an innovative start-up, born as a spin-off of the University of Roma Tor Vergata (

Technical features
Digital Technology: digitalized measuring and transmission (possible integration into the SCADA system)
Wireless: tags communicate using electromagnetic fields
Smart functions (eg. RSSI): possibility of integrating additional sensors such as humidity level and vibrations
Extreme stability: thanks to simple debug tracing
In electrical switchgears, sensors are usually planced in critical points: busbar, contacts (fixed and removable) of the circuit-breaker, power cable conection bars
The hardware system includes: sensor, antenna, reader, modbus gateway
Security: transmission is accompanied by CRC Check, without risk of interference
Adaptable: tags can be applied to any type of surface and environment, and in any weather condition
Reliable: tags are batteryless and do not require maintenance after their application
Modularity: sensors are equipped with a modular and scalable architecture. A large number of uniquely addressable sensors can be applied
Economic advantage: the technology based on radiofrequency allows lower costs than the traditional ones
Accuracy: sensors with ID prevent reading errors
Retrofit: sensors can be integrated in operational plants, enlarging their lifespan
Greater system efficiency: they allow minimizing system failures, thanks to integration with the IoT to plan predictive maintenance
Tailor-made products: thanks to the different shapes and surfaces of the sensors, and the possibility of integrating them in a variable number according to the customer's needs
Medium-voltage electrical switchgears
E-House / switching station
Transformation cabins
Mobile substations
Photovoltaic systems
Wind farms
Electricity generation and distribution systems
Related projects to PR.E.SE. sensors
Normal Clad switchgear for electrical power grid
Latin America
Design, manufacturing and supply of n. 24 MV AIS Normal Clad cubicles 13.8kV 2500A 25kA equipped with our wireless and battey-less PR.E.SE. (PRedictive Electrical SEnsors), Power transformers 110kV/34,5kV 28/40MVA with ONAN/ONAF, Power Transformer Protection panel, and customized SCADA system.