Energy storage is more and more fundamental as a consequence of the increasing need for green energy production, based on renewable energies, such as the fast-growing photovoltaics and wind farms. However, renewable energy is subject to limits and immediate availability: without the sun or wind it is not possible to produce energy.
Therefore, the storage plant allows the energy generated from alternative sources to be used at a later time than when it was produced, i.e. “postponing the use of the energy generated”.
BESSs (Battery Energy Storage Systems) guarantee a storage process with the aim of having continuous availability, all day and night time and in critical situations: emergency, plant failure, and maintenance. These systems represent an important step forward to the energy autonomy from fossil sources.
BESSs are also fundamental in situations when renewable energy plants are able to produce beyond the request at a specific moment of input, thus giving the possibility and the advantage of not dispersing overproduction in the network or avoiding disabling circuits in production, but ensuring that the overproduced energy is stored in the BESS plant and then fed into the grid when necessary (during dark hours or days with lack of sun/wind).
Talking about Italy, 25GW out of 70GW of clean energy included in the project “Fit for 55”, will be allocated as a BESS solution. This corresponds to 1/3 of the total volume of clean energy and storage which is a TGT goal in Italy, with the aim of being entirely independent of fossil fuels by 2050, thanks to the combination of photovoltaic plants, wind farms, hydrogen, with BESS systems.
Also the e-mobility market, in view of its great increase and of the decommissioning of diesel-powered cars starting from 2030, will give a very important boost to the storage of the energy produced and made available even at night for recharging the cars themselves.
Here is a view of the PNIEC – TERNA development plan relating to the reduction of the use of fossil fuels vs. clean energy and less polluting impact on the ecosystem:

1: Reduction in CO2 emissions – 2: FER levels in consumption of electricity – 3: PV and wind capacity
C.R. Technology Systems promotes plug-in solutions for the battery control and distribution of energy produced by BESSs.
The Company is currently partner of important Battey manufacturers and EPCs operating in this field, in the European market.
This solution consists in the “turnkey” supply of a prefabricated metal cabinet which includes the entire set of equipment necessary to be able to interconnect the BESS field to national networks.
Our cabins include:
- Medium-Voltage switchgear (from 12 up to 36kV, designed and manufactured in-house or commissioned to a third supplier, in agreement with the client).
- Low-Voltage switchboard for distribution and interconnection.
- Supervision SCADA systems and HV bay protection systems.
- Alarms, access, smoke, anti-rodents, meteostation managing systems.